Botanical Name: Callistemon viminalis
Common Name: Dawson River Weeper
Evergreen/Deciduous: Evergreen
Mature Size: 5-6m tall with a 3-4m wide canopy.
Number of these trees planted by Sevron this season: We have already planted over 650 this season!
Description: A large shrub to small tree with weeping habit. Profuse flowering in spring with a follow up in autumn make this a great screening plant for a variety of climates. The bright red flowers are attractive to nectar eating birds. Responds well to pruning.
Uses: Used as street tree, low maintenance garden, coastal garden and is drought resistant.
Position & Soil: Sunny position or light shade also tolerates a wide variety of soil types, and coastal exposure.
Council Areas: Casey, Darebin, Glen Eira, Hume, Monash, Stonnington, Whitehorse and Yarra Ranges.