FareShare is a non for profit organisation working throughout Metropolitan Melbourne. The Kitchen Garden uses small plots of disused land to grow their own vegetables to supplement rescued produce. To learn more about FareShare see link https://www.fareshare.net.au/kitchen-garden/
A small SEVRON team consisting of Del Abadilla, Sarah Luongo from our head office, and Jayson Smith from our Yarra Contract joined other volunteers at one of the regular Friday Kitchen Garden session. Sarah our Business Support Administrator says "all not so straight lines of spring onions were from Del and Jayson".
Learn more here: https://www.fareshare.net.au/kitchen-garden/.

Team Leader Scott Nicholson connects with local schools in Wyndham with the council based initiative with more Indigenous plantings for local schools.
Indigenous plants were and continue to be an important food source for our local fauna. They are unique because they are perfectly suited to the environment that they belong to. This means that they should survive on local rainfall patterns and in the local soil.
Indigenous plants help reduce air pollution and provide shelter and food for wildlife. Birds act as pest controllers while the garden provides them with feeding, breeding, nesting and roosting. Indigenous plants promote biodiversity and stewardship of our natural heritage and ecosystems.
As part of National Reconciliation Day, Wyndham council held a ceremony as part of one of the tube stock planting days. Sevron staff attended the day with the local community planting 1000 tube stock.
The site was very significant to Aboriginal communities who are the traditional landowners and have a large stake in preserving it for future generations. As part of site preparation, aboriginal scouts checked the site after preparation to look for remnant artifacts prior to planting.
On the day ancestors of the traditional landowners held a smoking ceremony to bring all the current community together and protect past elders and preserve the area for future generations. Around 100 people attended to be part of this special day.
It was a great experience for the community and the staff involved.
Well done to all and we recorded some of the ceremony which was forwarded to Wyndham council on request.